Graphic Design – Cornwall ON, CANADA


Since childhood, I have been fond of cartoon animation and illustration. I started working on 2-D animation back in 2003 and was passionate about it. Despite limited resources, I learned a lot about 2-D animation. Over the course of 10 years, I participated in many projects with different companies, organizations, and as a freelancer. During this time, I also had the opportunity to work on storyboards and concept art.

In short, I have the professional ability to create quality products and offer the best services in the entertainment industry. You can view some of my animation projects and personal samples below:

Poem Animation for a Sweden Client

Infodemic Awareness for COVID-19

Contact Tracing, COVID-19

Testing COVID-19

Mask for COVID-19

COVID Symtoms

COVID Precaution

Product Animation for Advertisement

Disease Awareness Project for a Hospital

Animation for Educational Purpose

Animation for a Client

Gesture Animation Test

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

Training Animation for a Israel Client

English Alphabet Learning Animation

Training Animation for a Client

Training Animation for a Client

Training Animation for a Client

Awareness Animation for a Client

Awareness Animation for a Client

Training Animation for a Client

Awareness Animation for a Client

Product Training for Customers

Educational Animation for a Client

Product Advertisement for a Client

Product Advertisement for a Client

Demo Ad for a Product

Public Awareness Animation

Public Awareness Animation

Public Awareness Animation

Public Awareness Animation

Test Animation